This post has been percolating for a while, and I was motivated to write it by a Royson James column I read a couple of weeks ago. For the first time in a long time I actually have finished everything I needed to do this weekend, so I actually have some time to write. So …
Author: Joseph
If a Tree falls on twitter, does it make a sound?
I wanted to wait on this particular post for a little while to let peoples’ emotions die down a bit, but I would like to write about the death of Jack Layton. I’m not going to write about the man himself mind you, but rather the remarkable response to his passing. I will say this …
Pig: the other blue meat
Antonia Zerbisias is a columnist and tweeter that I often like and have ocassionally agreed with, her politics regarding Israel notwithstanding. In a twitter post earlier today she wrote: “DAMMIT JANET!: Evidence that some cops are indeed pigs” and linked to this article. I won’t go into detail on the original blog post, you can …
Repost: Destiny and Choice, and Battlestar Galactica
Ok, excuse me for a moment while I get something geeky off my chest. Battlestar Galactica recently wrapped up after a tumultuous four-year run. Much to my surprise, the finale, which I considered some of the best made television I’ve ever seen, has been met by widespread frustration. For those who haven’t seen it, you’re …
A curse for Doug Ford
… with apologies to all of my Christian friends, and Laurence Stern. Yes, I know I recently offered this on Facebook with Stephen Harper’s name inserted, but I’m beginning to hate Doug Ford with the same level of intensity. Here goes:
Some Housekeeping
In addition to a new database this blog also features an entirely new design that was cobbled together like Peter Boyle in Young Frankenstein. I want to take this time to thank the various sources of creative content I used to put this monstrosity together. First, the theme is built on Viala by David Garlitz. …
Official Relaunch
Consider this the official relaunch of my blog, and in a half-hearted way my re-engagement with politics. That may seem like a fairly empty gesture… but that’s largely because it is. I haven’t stopped having opinions in the last two years (or even stopped sharing them in a condescending fashion), but I have stopped publishing …
The Wandering Jew
This may seem like an odd name for a blog, or at the very least a dire one so I figure it is probably a good idea to offer some insight. I chose the name “The Wandering Joe” for a couple of reasons; the name tickled me for certain, but it also has some meaning …
Hello world!
Welcome to my new blog (which will be kind of similar to my old blog). I need some time to put the theme together so for now you won’t see any content posting. With any luck I’ll make my first post by next Sunday. As you can probably tell by the look of this site, …