In addition to a new database this blog also features an entirely new design that was cobbled together like Peter Boyle in Young Frankenstein. I want to take this time to thank the various sources of creative content I used to put this monstrosity together.
First, the theme is built on Viala by David Garlitz. I’ve taken a hatchet to it, but the layout inspiration was exactly what I needed.
Second, the “Wandering Jew” image, which is a reproduction of the original image by Gustave Doré, and is thankfully in the public domain because it is exactly what I wanted and I could never have afforded to purchase it.
Third, the background image is from AbigelStock on deviantART.
The rest of this was assembled through painstaking labour which looked something like this…
I will also be re-posting some select articles from my old blog, mostly because I like them.